International Children’s Bible

Joel 2:20-32 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

20. I will force the army from the north to leave your land.I will force them into a dry, empty land.Their soldiers in front will be forced into the Dead Sea.And those in the rear will be forced into the Mediterranean Sea.Their bodies will rot and stinkbecause they did horrible things.”

21. But, land, don’t be afraid.Be happy and full of joybecause the Lord has begun to do wonderful things.

22. Wild animals, don’t be afraid.The open pastures will grow grass.The trees will grow fruit.The fig trees and the vines will grow much fruit.

23. So be happy, people of Jerusalem.Be joyful in the Lord your God.He will do what is rightand will give you rain.He will send the early rainand the late rain for you, as before.

24. And the threshing floors will be full of wheat.And the barrels will overflow with wine and olive oil.

25. “I sent my great army against you.Those swarming locusts and the hopping locusts,the destroying locusts and the cutting locusts ate your crops.But I will pay you backfor those years of trouble.

26. Then you will have plenty to eat.You will be full.You will praise the name of the Lord your God.He has done miracles for you.My people will never again be shamed.

27. Then you will know that I am among the people of Israel.You will know that I am the Lord your God.There is no other God.My people will never be shamed again.

28. “After this,I will give my Spirit freely to all kinds of people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy.Your old men will dream dreams.Your young men will see visions.

29. At that time I will give my Spiriteven to servants, both men and women.

30. I will show miraclesin the sky and on the earth:blood, fire and thick smoke.

31. The sun will become dark.The moon will become red as blood.And then the Lord’s overwhelming and terrible day of judging will come.

32. Then anyone who asks the Lord for helpwill be saved.Even on Mount Zion and in Jerusalemthere will be people who will be saved.This will happen just as the Lord has said.Those left alive after the day of punishmentare the people whom the Lord called.