International Children’s Bible

Joel 2:12-20 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. The Lord says, “Now, come back to me with all your heart.Go without food, and cry and be sad.”

13. Tearing your clothes is not enough to show you are sad.Let your heart be broken.Come back to the Lord your God.He is kind and shows mercy.He doesn’t become angry quickly.He has great love.He would rather forgive than punish.

14. Who knows? Maybe the Lord will change his mindand leave behind a blessing for you.Then you may give grain and drink offeringsto the Lord your God.

15. Blow the trumpet in Jerusalem.Call for a special time of going without food.Call for a special meeting.

16. Bring the people together.Make the meeting holy for the Lord.Bring together the elders.Bring together the children,even babies that still feed at their mothers’ breasts.The bridegroom should come from his room.The bride should come from her bedroom.

17. The priests, the Lord’s servants, should cry.They should cry between the altar and entrance to the Temple.They should say, “Lord, have mercy on your people.Don’t let them be put to shame.Don’t let other nations make fun of them.Don’t let people in other nations ask,‘Where is their God?’”

18. Then the Lord became concerned about his land.He felt sorry for his people.

19. The Lord said to them:“I will send you grain, wine and olive oil.You will have plenty.No more will I shame youamong the nations.

20. I will force the army from the north to leave your land.I will force them into a dry, empty land.Their soldiers in front will be forced into the Dead Sea.And those in the rear will be forced into the Mediterranean Sea.Their bodies will rot and stinkbecause they did horrible things.”