International Children’s Bible

Job 33:13-20 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

13. Why do you accuse Godof not answering man’s complaints?

14. God does speak—sometimes one way and sometimes another.He speaks even though men may not understand it.

15. God may speak in a dream or a vision of the night.This is when men are in a deep sleepand lying in their beds.

16. He may speak in their earsand frighten them with warnings.

17. He warns them to turn away from doing wrong.And he warns them not to be proud.

18. God does this to save a man’s soul from death.He does it to keep him from dying.

19. A man may be corrected while on his bed in great pain.He may have continual pain in his very bones.

20. He may be in such pain that he even hates food.He may hate even the very best meal.