International Children’s Bible

Job 33:1-10 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. “But now, Job, listen to my words.Pay attention to everything I say.

2. I open my mouth.I am ready to speak.

3. My words come from an honest heart.I am sincere when I speak what I know.

4. The Spirit of God created me.The breath of God All-Powerful gave me life.

5. Answer me if you can.Get yourself ready and stand before me.

6. I am just like you before God.I was also made out of clay.

7. Don’t be afraid of me.I will not be hard on you.

8. “But I heard what you have said.I heard every word.

9. You said, ‘I am pure and without sin.I am innocent and free from guilt.

10. But God has found fault with me.He considers me his enemy.