International Children’s Bible

Job 31:20-32 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

20. That person’s heart blessed me.This was because I warmed him with the wool of my sheep.

21. I have never hurt an orphaneven when I knew I could win in court.

22. If I have, then let my arm fall off my shoulder.Let it be broken at the joint.

23. This is because I dread destruction from God.I could not do such things because I fear his majesty.

24. “I have not put my trust in gold.I have not said to pure gold, ‘You are my safety.’

25. I have not celebrated my great wealth.I have not celebrated that my hands had gained riches.

26. I have not thought about worshiping the sun in its brightness.I have not admired the moon moving in glory

27. so that my heart was pulled away from God.My hand has never offered the sun and moon a kiss of worship.

28. If I had, these also would have been sins to be punished.I would have been unfaithful to God if I had done these things.

29. “I have not been happy when my enemy was ruined.I have not laughed when he had trouble.

30. I have not let my mouth sinby cursing my enemy’s life.

31. The men of my house have always said,‘Everyone has eaten all he wants of Job’s food.’

32. No stranger ever had to spend the night in the street.I always let the traveler stay in my home.