International Children’s Bible

Jeremiah 23:12-15 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. “So they will be in danger.They will be forced into darkness.There they will be defeated.I will bring disaster on them.At that time I will punish those prophets and priests,” says the Lord.

13. “I saw the prophets of Samariado something wrong.I saw those prophets prophesy by the false god Baal.And they led my people, the Israelites, away.

14. And I have seen the prophets of Jerusalemdo some terrible things.These prophets are guilty of adulteryand live by lies.They encourage evil people to keep on doing evil.So the people don’t stop sinning.All of those people are like the city of Sodom.The people of Jerusalem are like the city of Gomorrah to me!”

15. So this is what the Lord of heaven’s armies says about the prophets:“I will make those prophets eat bitter food.I will make them drink poisoned water.This is because the prophets of Jerusalem spread wickednessthrough the whole country.”