International Children’s Bible

Jeremiah 2:7-13 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

7. I brought you into a fertile land.I did this so you could eat its fruit and produce.But you came and made my land unclean.You made it a hated place.

8. The priests didn’t ask,‘Where is the Lord?’The people who know the teachings didn’t know me.The leaders turned against me.The prophets prophesied in the name of Baal.They worshiped useless idols.

9. “So now I will again tell what I have against you,” says the Lord.“And I will tell what I have against your grandchildren.

10. Go across the sea to the island of Cyprus and see.Send someone to the land of Kedar to look closely.See if there has ever been anything like this!

11. Has a nation ever exchanged their old gods for new ones?(Of course, their gods are not really gods at all.)But my people have exchanged their glorious Godfor idols worth nothing!

12. Skies, be shocked at the things that have happened.Shake with great fear!” says the Lord.

13. “My people have done two sins.They have turned away from me.And I am the spring of living water.And they have dug their own wells.But they are broken wells that cannot hold water.