International Children’s Bible

Jeremiah 2:20-28 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

20. “A long time ago you refused to obey me as an ox breaks its yoke.You broke the ropes I used to hold you to me.You said to me, ‘I will not serve you!’In fact, on every high hilland under every green treeyou lay down as a prostitute.

21. I planted you as a special vine.You were like very good seed.How then did you turninto a wild vine that grows bad fruit?

22. You might wash yourself with cleanser.And you might use much soap.But I can still see the stain of your guilt,” says the Lord God.

23. “How can you say to me, ‘I am not guilty.I have not worshiped the Baal idols’?Think about the things you did in the valley.Think about what you have done.You are like a she-camel in mating seasonthat runs from place to place.

24. You are like a wild donkey that lives in the desert.At mating time she sniffs the wind.At that time no one can hold her back.Any male who chases her will easily catch her.At mating time, it is easy to find her.

25. Don’t run until your feet are bareor until your throat is dry.But you say, ‘It’s no use!I love those other gods.I must worship them!’

26. “A thief is ashamed when someone catches him stealing.In the same way the family of Israel is ashamed.The kings and the officers,the priests and the prophets are ashamed.

27. They say to things of wood, ‘You are my father.’They say to idols of stone, ‘You gave birth to me.’Those people won’t look at me.They have turned their backs to me.But when they get into trouble, they say,‘Come and save us!’

28. Where are the idols you have made for yourselves?Let them come and save youwhen you are in trouble!People of Judah, you have as many idolsas you have towns!