International Children’s Bible

Hosea 12:1-7 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. What Israel does is as useless as chasing the wind,as dangerous as being in a windstorm.They tell more and more liesand do more and more violence.They make agreements with Assyria,and they send a gift of olive oil to Egypt.

2. The Lord also has some things against Judah.He will punish Israel for what they have done.He will give them what they deserve.

3. Their ancestor Jacob held on to his brother’s heelwhile the two of them were being born.When Jacob grew to be a man,he wrestled with God.

4. He wrestled with the angel and won.Jacob cried and asked for his blessing.Later, God met with him at Betheland spoke with him there.

5. He is the Lord God of heaven’s armies.He wants to be remembered as the Lord.

6. Like Jacob you must return to him.You must be loyal and true to him.You must do what is honest and just.You must always trust in him as your God.

7. The merchants use dishonest scales.They like to cheat people.