International Children’s Bible

Hosea 10:10-15 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

10. When I am ready,I will come to punish them.Armies will come together against them.They will be punished for their many sins.

11. Israel is like a well-trained young cowthat likes to thresh grain.But I will put a yoke on her neck.I will make Israel work hard in the field.Judah will plow.Israel will break up the ground.

12. I said, ‘Break new ground.Plant what is right.Then you will harvest good thingsfrom your loyalty to me.It is time for you to turn back to me, the Lord.Do it until I come and pour out my goodness on you.’

13. But you have planted evil.So you have harvested trouble.You have trusted in your own powerand your many soldiers.Now you must live with the result of your lies.

14. So your armies will hear the noise of battle.And all your strong, walled cities will be destroyed.It will be like the time King Shalmandestroyed Beth Arbel in battle.Mothers and children were crushed to the ground together.

15. The same will happen to you, people of Bethel,because you did so much evil.When that time comes,the king of Israel will die.