International Children’s Bible

Hebrews 10:20-26 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

20. We can enter through a new way that Jesus opened for us. It is a living way. It leads through the curtain—Christ’s body.

21. And we have a great priest over God’s house.

22. So let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith. We have been cleansed and made free from feelings of guilt. And our bodies have been washed with pure water.

23. Let us hold firmly to the hope that we have confessed. We can trust God to do what he promised.

24. Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.

25. You should not stay away from the church meetings, as some are doing. But you should meet together and encourage each other. Do this even more as you see the Day coming.

26. If we decide to go on sinning after we have learned the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins.