International Children’s Bible

Ezekiel 5:10-14 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

10. So fathers among you will eat their children. And children will eat their fathers. I will punish you. I will scatter to the winds all who are left alive.

11. So the Lord God says: As surely as I live, you have made my Temple unclean. You have done it with all your evil idols and the hated things you do. Because of this I will cut you off. I will have no pity. I will show no mercy.

12. A third of you will die by disease or be destroyed by hunger inside your walls. A third will fall dead by the sword outside your walls. And a third I will scatter in every direction. I will chase them with a sword.

13. Then my anger will come to an end. I will use it up against them. Then I will be satisfied. Then they will know that I, the Lord God, have spoken. After I have carried out my anger against them, they will know how strongly I felt.

14. “I will make you a ruin. And I will make you a shame among the nations around you. All who pass by will see this.