International Children’s Bible

Ezekiel 34:4-10 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

4. You have not made the weak strong. You have not healed the sick. You have not put bandages on those that were hurt. You have not brought back those who strayed away. You have not searched for the lost. You ruled the sheep with cruel force.

5. The sheep were scattered because there was no shepherd. Then they became food for every wild animal.

6. My flock wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over all the face of the earth. And no one searched or looked for them.

7. “‘So, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord God says:

8. As surely as I live, my flock has been caught. It has become food for all the wild animals. This is because the flock has no shepherd. The shepherds did not search for my flock. No, they fed themselves instead of my flock.

9. So, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord.

10. This is what the Lord God says: I am against the shepherds. I will blame them for what has happened to my sheep. I will not let them tend the flock anymore. Then the shepherds will stop feeding themselves. And I will take my flock from their mouths. My sheep will no longer be their food.