International Children’s Bible

Ezekiel 34:15-28 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

15. I will feed my flock and lead them to rest, says the Lord God.

16. I will search for the lost. I will bring back those that were scattered. I will put bandages on those that were hurt. I will make the weak strong. I will destroy those sheep that are fat and strong. I will tend the sheep with fairness.

17. “‘This is what the Lord God says: And as for you, my flock, I will judge between one sheep and another. I will judge between the male sheep and the male goats.

18. Is it not enough for you to eat grass in the good land? Must you crush the rest of the grass with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you make the rest of the water muddy with your feet?

19. Must my flock eat what you crush? And must they drink what you make muddy with your feet?

20. “‘So this is what the Lord God says to them: I, myself, will judge between the fat sheep and the thin sheep.

21. You push with your side and with your shoulder. You knock down all the weak sheep with your horns. You do this until you have forced them away.

22. So I will save my flock. They will not be hurt anymore. I will judge between one sheep and another.

23. Then I will put one shepherd over them, my servant David. He will feed them. He will tend them and will be their shepherd.

24. Then I, the Lord, will be their God. And my servant David will be a ruler among them. I, the Lord, have spoken.

25. “‘And I will make an agreement of peace with my sheep. I will remove harmful animals from the land. Then the sheep will live safely in the desert. And they will sleep in the woods without danger.

26. I will bless them and let them live around my hill. I will cause the rains to come when it is time for them. There will be showers to bless them.

27. Also the trees of the field will give their fruit. The land will give its harvest. And the sheep will be safe on their land. Then they will know that I am the Lord. I will break the bars of their captivity. And I will save them from the power of those who made them slaves.

28. They will not be led captive by the nations again. The wild animals will not eat them. But they will live safely. No one will make them afraid.