International Children’s Bible

Ezekiel 33:5-18 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

5. He heard the sound of the trumpet. But he did not do anything. So he is to blame for his own death. If he had done something, he would have saved his own life.

6. But the watchman might see the enemy coming to attack and not blow the trumpet. So the people are not warned. Then the enemy comes and kills one of them. That person has died because of his own sin. But I will punish the watchman for the person’s death.’

7. “As for you, human being, I have made you a watchman for Israel. If you hear a message from me, you must warn them for me.

8. I might say to the wicked person: ‘Wicked man, you will surely die.’ But you might not speak to warn the evil person to stop doing evil. Then he will die while still a sinner. But I will punish you for his death.

9. But you might warn a wicked person to stop doing evil. If he does not stop, he will die while still a sinner. But you have saved your life.

10. “So you, human being, say to Israel: ‘You have said: Surely our law-breaking and sins are hurting us. They will kill us. What can we do so we will live?’

11. Say to them: ‘The Lord God says: As surely as I live, this is true. I do not want a wicked person to die. I want him to stop doing evil and live. Turn back! Turn back from your wicked ways! You don’t want to die, people of Israel.’

12. “And you, human being, say to your people: ‘The goodness of a good person will not save him when he sins. The evil of the wicked person will not cause him to be punished if he turns from it. A good person will not be able to live by the good he did earlier if he sins.’

13. I might tell the good person, “You will surely live.” But he might think he has done enough good and then do evil. Then none of the good things he did will be remembered. He will die because of the evil he has done.

14. Or, I might say to the wicked person, “You will surely die.” But he might turn from his sin and do what is right and honest.

15. He returns what somebody gave him as a promise to repay a loan. He pays back what he stole. He lives by the rules that give life. He does not sin. Then that one will surely live. He will not die.

16. He will not be punished for any of his sins. He now does what is right and fair. He will surely live.

17. “But your people say: ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’ But it is their own way that is not fair.

18. The good person might turn from his goodness and do evil. Then he will die for his evil.