International Children’s Bible

Ezekiel 21:5-23 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

5. Then all people will know that I, the Lord, have pulled my sword out from its holder. My sword will not go back in again.’

6. “So, human being, groan with breaking heart and great sadness. Make these sad sounds in front of the people.

7. They will ask you, ‘Why do you make these sad sounds?’ Then you will say, ‘Because of the news that is coming. Every heart will melt with fear. All hands will become weak. Everyone will be afraid. All knees will become weak as water. Look, it is coming. It will happen, says the Lord God.’”

8. The Lord spoke his word to me. He said,

9. “Human being, prophesy and say, ‘This is what the Lord says:A sword, a sword,made sharp and polished.

10. It is made sharp for the killing.It is polished to flash like lightning.“‘You are not happy about this horrible punishment by the sword. But my son, Judah, you did not change when you were only beaten with a rod.

11. The sword should be polished.The sword is meant to be held in the hand.It is made sharp and polished.It is made ready for the hand of the killer.

12. Shout and yell, human being.This is because the sword is against my people.It is against all the rulers of Israel.They will be killed by the sword,along with my people.So beat your chest in sadness.

13. “‘The test will come. And Judah, who is hated by the armies of Babylon, will not last, says the Lord God.’

14. “So, human being, prophesy.And clap your hands.Let the sword hittwo or three times.It is the sword for killing.It is the sword for much killing.This sword surrounds the people.

15. Their hearts will melt with fear.And many people will die.I have placed the killing swordat all their gates.Oh! The sword is made to flash like lightning.It is held, ready for killing.

16. Sword, cut on the right side.Then cut on the left side.Cut anywhere your blade is turned.

17. I will also clap my hands.Then my anger will rest.I, the Lord, have spoken.”

18. The Lord spoke his word to me. He said:

19. “Human being, mark two roads that the king of Babylon and his sword can follow. Both of these roads will start from the same country. And make signs where the road divides and one way goes toward the city.

20. One sign shows the road he can take with his sword to Rabbah. It is in the land of the Ammonites. And the other sign shows the road he can take to Judah and Jerusalem. Jerusalem is protected with strong walls.

21. The king of Babylon will come to where the road divides into two. He will use magic. He will throw lots with arrows. He will ask questions of his family idols. He will look at the liver of a sacrificed animal to learn where he should go.

22. The lots will tell him to go toward his right to Jerusalem. They will tell him these things: Use logs to break down the city gates. Shout the battle cry and give the order to kill. Build a dirt road to the top of the walls and devices to attack the walls.

23. The people of Jerusalem have made agreements with other nations to help them fight Babylon. So they will think this prediction is wrong. But the king of Babylon will remind them of their sin. And he will capture them.