International Children’s Bible

Deuteronomy 23:11-18 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

11. But when evening comes, he must wash himself. At sunset he may come back into the camp.

12. Choose a place outside the camp where people may go to relieve themselves.

13. Carry a stick with you. When you relieve yourself, dig a hole. Cover up your dung.

14. The Lord your God moves around through your camp. He will protect you. He will help you defeat your enemies. So the camp must be holy. The Lord must not see anything unclean among you. Then he will not leave you.

15. An escaped slave might come to you. Do not hand him over to his master.

16. Let the slave live with you anywhere he likes. He may live in any town he chooses. Do not mistreat him.

17. No Israelite man or woman must ever become a temple prostitute.

18. Do not bring a male or female prostitute’s pay to the Temple of the Lord your God to pay what you have promised to the Lord. The Lord your God hates prostitution.