International Children’s Bible

Daniel 2:5-11 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

5. Then King Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “No! You must tell me the dream. And then you must tell me what it means. If you don’t do these things, I will have you torn apart. And I will turn your houses into piles of stones.

6. But if you tell me my dream and its meaning, I will reward you. I will give you gifts and great honor. So tell me the dream, and tell me what it means.”

7. Again the wise men said to the king, “Please, tell us the dream. And we will tell you what it means.”

8. King Nebuchadnezzar answered, “Now I know that you are trying to get more time. You know that I meant what I said.

9. If you don’t tell me my dream, you will be punished. You have all agreed to tell me lies and wicked things. You are hoping things will change. Now, tell me the dream. Then I will know you can tell me what it really means!”

10. The wise men answered the king. They said, “No one on earth can do what the king asks! Not even a great and powerful king has ever asked the fortune-tellers, magicians or wise men to do this.

11. The king is asking something that is too hard. Only the gods could tell the king this. But the gods do not live among people.”