International Children’s Bible

Daniel 12:1-7 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. “Daniel, at that time Michael, the great prince, will stand up. (He is the one who protects your people.) There will be a time of much trouble. It will be the worst time since nations have been on earth. But your people will be saved. Everyone whose name is written in God’s book will be saved.

2. Many people who have already died will live again. Some of them will wake up to have life forever. But some will wake up to find shame and disgrace forever.

3. The wise people will shine like the brightness of the sky. Those who teach others to live right will shine like stars forever and ever.

4. “But you, Daniel, close up the book and seal it. These things will happen at the time of the end. Many people will go here and there to find true knowledge.”

5. Then I, Daniel, looked, and I saw two other men. One was standing on my side of the river. And the other was standing on the far side.

6. The man who was dressed in linen was standing over the water in the river. One of the two men spoke to him. He asked, “How long will it be before these amazing things come true?”

7. The man dressed in linen who stood over the water raised his hands toward heaven. And I heard him make a promise. He used the name of God who lives forever. He said, “It will be for three and one-half years. The power of the holy people will finally be broken. Then all these things will come true.”