International Children’s Bible

2 Kings 24:16-20 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

16. The king of Babylon also took all 7,000 soldiers. These men were all strong and able to fight in war. And 1,000 craftsmen and metal workers were taken, too. Nebuchadnezzar took them as prisoners to Babylon.

17. He made Mattaniah king in Jehoiachin’s place. Mattaniah was Jehoiachin’s uncle. He also changed Mattaniah’s name to Zedekiah.

18. Zedekiah was 21 years old when he became king. And he was king in Jerusalem for 11 years. His mother’s name was Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah. She was from Libnah.

19. Zedekiah did what the Lord said was wrong, just as Jehoiakim had done.

20. All this happened in Jerusalem and Judah because the Lord was angry with them. Finally, he threw them out of his presence.Zedekiah turned against the king of Babylon.