International Children’s Bible

2 Chronicles 6:30-41 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

30. When that happens, then listen from heaven, your home. Forgive and treat each person as he should be treated. You know what is in his heart. (Only you know what is in a person’s heart.)

31. Then the people will fear and obey you as long as they live in this land. This is the land you gave our ancestors.

32. “A foreigner might come here from a country far away. He is not one of your people, the people of Israel. But he will come because he has heard about your greatness and power. He knows about the things you have done. When he comes and prays, facing this Temple,

33. then listen. Listen from heaven, your home. And do what he asks you to do. Then all the peoples of the earth will know you and respect you, just as your people Israel do. And they will know that this Temple I built is for worshiping you.

34. “You might send your people to fight their enemies. They will pray to you, facing this city you chose and the Temple I built for worshiping you.

35. If they do, then listen from heaven to their prayer. Listen to their cry and help them.

36. “People will sin against you. There is not a person who does not sin. And you will become angry with them. You will let an enemy defeat them. The enemy will capture them and take them away. It may be to a land far away or near.

37. But then they will be sorry for what they have done. As captives in that land, they will cry out to you. They will say, ‘We have sinned. We have done wrong and acted wickedly.’

38. In the land where they are captives, they will come back to you. They will want to obey you completely. They will pray, facing their land, the land you gave their ancestors. They will pray, facing the city you chose and the Temple I built for you.

39. When this happens, listen from your home in heaven. Listen to their cries and help them. Forgive your people who have sinned against you.

40. “Now, my God, look at us. Listen to the prayers we will pray in this place.

41. Now, rise, Lord God, and come to your resting place.Come with the Ark of the Covenant that shows your strength.Let your priests receive your salvation, Lord God.And may your holy people be happy because of your goodness.