International Children’s Bible

2 Chronicles 18:19-28 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

19. The Lord said, ‘Who will trick King Ahab of Israel into attacking Ramoth in Gilead? Do this so he will go and be killed.’ The spirits did not agree about what they should do.

20. Then a spirit came and stood before the Lord. He said, ‘I will trick him.’ The Lord asked, ‘How will you do it?’

21. The spirit answered, ‘I will go to Ahab’s prophets. I will make them tell lies.’ So the Lord said, ‘You will succeed in tricking him. Go and do it.’”

22. Micaiah said, “Ahab, this has now happened. The Lord has caused your prophets to lie to you. The Lord has decided that great trouble should come to you.”

23. Then Zedekiah son of Kenaanah went up to Micaiah. And he slapped Micaiah in the face. Zedekiah said, “Do you really believe that the Lord’s Spirit has left me and is now speaking through you?”

24. Micaiah answered, “You will find out on the day you go to hide in an inside room.”

25. Then King Ahab ordered, “Take Micaiah. Send him to Amon, the governor of the city, and to Joash, the king’s son.

26. Tell them I said to put Micaiah in prison. Give him only bread and water. Keep him there until I come back safely from the battle.”

27. Micaiah said, “Ahab, if you come back safely from the battle, the Lord has not spoken through me. Remember my words, all you people!”

28. So Ahab king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah went to Ramoth in Gilead.