International Children’s Bible

1 Samuel 18:20-23 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

20. Now Saul’s other daughter Michal loved David. When they told Saul about Michal loving David, he was pleased.

21. He thought, “I will let Michal marry David. Then she will become a trap for him. And the Philistines will defeat him.” So Saul said to David a second time, “You may become my son-in-law.”

22. And Saul gave an order to his servants. He told them, “Speak to David in private. Say, ‘Look, the king is pleased with you. His servants like you. You should become his son-in-law.’”

23. Saul’s servants said these words to David. But David answered, “Do you think it is easy to become the king’s son-in-law? I’m only a poor man. Nobody knows me.”