International Children’s Bible

1 Samuel 17:16-30 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

16. The Philistine Goliath came out every morning and evening. He stood before the Israelite army. This continued for 40 days.

17. Now Jesse said to his son David, “Take this half bushel of cooked grain. And take ten loaves of bread. Take them to your brothers in the camp.

18. Also take ten pieces of cheese. Give them to the commander of your brothers’ group of 1,000 soldiers. See how your brothers are. Bring back something to show me they are all right.

19. Your brothers are with Saul and the army in the Valley of Elah. They are fighting against the Philistines.”

20. Early in the morning David left the sheep with another shepherd. He took the food and left as Jesse had told him. When David arrived at the camp, the army was leaving. They were going out to their battle positions. The soldiers were shouting their war cry.

21. The Israelites and Philistines were lining up their men to face each other in battle.

22. David left the food with the man who kept the supplies. Then he ran to the battle line and talked to his brothers.

23. While he was talking with them, Goliath came out. He was the Philistine champion from Gath. He shouted things against Israel as usual, and David heard it.

24. When the Israelites saw Goliath, they were very much afraid and ran away.

25. They said, “Look at this man Goliath. He keeps coming out to speak against Israel. The king will give much money to the man who kills Goliath. He will also give his daughter in marriage to whoever kills him. And his father’s family will not have to pay taxes in Israel.”

26. David asked the men who stood near him, “What will be done to reward the man who kills this Philistine? What will be done for whoever takes away the shame from Israel? Goliath is a Philistine. He is not circumcised. Why does he think he can speak against the armies of the living God?”

27. The Israelites told David what they had been saying. They said, “This is what will be done for the man who kills Goliath.”

28. David’s oldest brother Eliab heard David talking with the soldiers. He became angry with David. He asked David, “Why did you come here? Who’s taking care of those few sheep of yours in the desert? I know you are proud. Your attitude is very bad. You came down here just to watch the battle!”

29. David asked, “Now what have I done wrong? Can’t I even talk?”

30. He then turned to other people and asked the same questions. And they gave him the same answer as before.