International Children’s Bible

1 Kings 9:6-13 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

6. “But you and your children must follow me. You must obey the laws and commands I have given you. You must not go off to serve or worship other gods.

7. If you do, I will force Israel to leave the land I have given them. I made the Temple holy for people to worship me there. But if you don’t obey me, I will tear it down. Then Israel will become a bad example, a joke, to other people.

8. If the Temple is destroyed, everyone who sees it will be shocked. They will make fun of you and ask, ‘Why did the Lord do this? Why did he do this terrible thing to this land and this Temple?’

9. Other people will answer, ‘This happened because they left the Lord their God. He brought their ancestors out of Egypt. But they decided to follow other gods. They worshiped and served those gods. That is why the Lord brought all this disaster to them.’”

10. By the end of 20 years, King Solomon had built the Temple of the Lord. And he had built the royal palace.

11. At that time King Solomon gave 20 towns in Galilee to Hiram king of Tyre. Solomon did this because Hiram had helped with the buildings. Hiram had given him all the cedar, pine and gold he wanted.

12. So Hiram traveled from Tyre to see the towns Solomon had given him. When Hiram saw them, he was not pleased.

13. He asked, “What are these towns you have given me, my brother?” So he named that land the Land of Cabul. And it is still called that today.