International Children’s Bible

1 Kings 8:55-63 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

55. Then, in a loud voice, he blessed all the people of Israel. Solomon said:

56. “Praise the Lord! He promised he would give rest to his people Israel. And he has given us rest! The Lord has kept all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses.

57. I ask that the Lord our God be with us. May he be with us as he was with our ancestors. May he never leave us.

58. May he cause us to turn to him and follow him. May we obey all the laws and commands he gave our ancestors.

59. I ask that the Lord our God always remember this prayer. I pray that he will help his servant and his people Israel. I pray he will help us every day as we need it.

60. Then all the people of the world will know the Lord is the only true God.

61. So you must fully obey the Lord our God. You must follow all his laws and commands. You must continue to obey in the future as you do now.”

62. Then King Solomon and all Israel with him offered sacrifices to the Lord.

63. Solomon killed 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep. These were fellowship offerings. In this way the king and the Israelites showed they had given the Temple to the Lord.