International Children’s Bible

1 Kings 8:44-57 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

44. “Sometimes you will command your people to go and fight against their enemies. Then your people will pray to you facing this city which you have chosen. They will pray facing the Temple I have built for your worship.

45. When they pray, hear their prayers from your home in heaven. Then help them.

46. “Everyone sins. So your people will also sin against you. And you will become angry with your people. You will let their enemies defeat them. Their enemies will make them prisoners and carry them away to their own countries.

47. Your people might be sorry for their sins when they are held as prisoners in another country. Perhaps they will be sorry and pray to you in the land where they are held as prisoners. They might say, ‘We have sinned and done wrong.’

48. They may truly turn back to you in the land of their enemies. Perhaps they will pray to you, facing this land you gave their fathers. They may pray to you, facing this city you have chosen. They may face this Temple I have built for your worship.

49. If they do, then please hear them from your home in heaven. Hear their prayers and do what is right.

50. Forgive your people of all their sins. And forgive them for turning against you. Make those who have taken them as prisoners show them mercy.

51. Remember that they are your people. Remember that you brought them out of Egypt. It was as if you pulled them out of a blazing furnace!

52. “Please give your attention to my prayers. And please give your attention to the prayers of your people Israel. Listen to their prayers anytime they ask you for help.

53. You chose them from all the nations on earth to be your very own people. This is what you promised through Moses your servant. You promised it when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt, Lord God.”

54. Solomon prayed this prayer to the Lord. He had been kneeling in front of the altar. And his arms had been raised toward heaven. When Solomon finished praying, he stood up.

55. Then, in a loud voice, he blessed all the people of Israel. Solomon said:

56. “Praise the Lord! He promised he would give rest to his people Israel. And he has given us rest! The Lord has kept all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses.

57. I ask that the Lord our God be with us. May he be with us as he was with our ancestors. May he never leave us.