International Children’s Bible

1 Kings 7:28-47 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

28. The stands were made from square sides, which were put on frames.

29. On the sides were bronze lions, bulls and creatures with wings. On the frames above and below the lions and bulls there were designs of flowers hammered into the bronze.

30. Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles. At the corners there were bronze supports for a large bowl. The supports had designs of flowers.

31. There was a frame on top of the bowls. It was 18 inches high above the bowls. The opening of the bowl was round, 27 inches deep. There were designs carved into the bronze on the frame. The frame was square, not round.

32. The four wheels were under the frame. They were 27 inches high. The axles between the wheels were made as one piece with the stand.

33. The wheels were like a chariot’s wheels. Everything on the wheels was made of bronze. The axles, rims, spokes and hubs were made of bronze.

34. The four supports were on the four corners of each stand. They were made as one piece with the stand.

35. There was a strip of bronze around the top of each stand. It was 9 inches deep. It was made as one piece with the stand.

36. The sides of the stand and the frames were totally covered with carvings. They were carved with pictures of creatures with wings, lions and palm trees. There were also flowers carved all around.

37. So this is the way Huram made the ten stands. The bronze for each stand was melted and poured into a mold. So all of the stands were the same size and shape.

38. Huram also made ten bronze bowls. There was one bowl for each of the ten stands. Each bowl was six feet across and could hold about 230 gallons.

39. Huram put five of the stands on the south side of the Temple. And he put the other five stands on the north side. He put the large bowl in the southeast corner of the Temple.

40. Huram also made bowls, shovels and small bowls.So Huram finished making everything King Solomon wanted him to make. Here is a list of what Huram made for the Temple of the Lord:

41. two pillars;two large bowls for the capitals on top of the pillars;two nets to cover the two large bowls for the capitals on top of the pillars;

42. 400 pomegranates for the two nets (there were two rows of pomegranates for each net covering the bowls for the capitals on top of the pillars);

43. ten stands with a bowl on each stand;

44. the large bowl with 12 bulls under it;

45. the pots, shovels, small bowls and all the dishes for the Temple of the Lord.Huram made everything King Solomon wanted. They were all made from polished bronze.

46. The king ordered these things to be made near the Jordan River between Succoth and Zarethan. They were made by melting and pouring bronze into clay molds.

47. Solomon never weighed the bronze used to make these things. There was too much to weigh. So the total weight of all the bronze was never known.