International Children’s Bible

1 Kings 11:29-42 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

29. One day Jeroboam was leaving Jerusalem. Ahijah, the prophet from Shiloh, met him on the road. Ahijah was wearing a new coat. The two men were alone out in the country.

30. Ahijah took his new coat and tore it into 12 pieces.

31. Then he said to Jeroboam, “Take 10 pieces of this coat for yourself. The Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I will tear the kingdom away from Solomon. Then I will give you 10 tribes.

32. But I will allow the family of David to control 1 tribe. I will do this for my servant David and for Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the city I have chosen from all the tribes of Israel.

33. I will do this because Solomon has stopped following me. He worships the Sidonian god Ashtoreth and the Moabite god Chemosh. He also worships Molech, the Ammonite god. Solomon has not obeyed me. He has not done what I said is right. He has not obeyed my laws and commands. He is not living the way his father David lived.

34. “‘But I will not take all the kingdom away from Solomon. I will let him rule all his life. I will do this because of my servant David. I chose David, and he obeyed all my commands and laws.

35. But I will take the kingdom away from his son. Jeroboam, I will allow you to rule over the 10 tribes.

36. I will allow Solomon’s son to continue to rule over 1 tribe. I will do this so that David, my servant, will always have a king before me in Jerusalem. It is the city where I chose to be worshiped.

37. But I will make you rule over everything you want. You will rule over all of Israel.

38. I will always be with you if you do what I say is right. You must obey all my commands. If you obey my laws and commands as David did, I will be with you. I will make your family a family of kings, as I did for David. I will give Israel to you.

39. I will punish David’s children because of this. But I will not punish them forever.’”

40. Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam. But Jeroboam ran away to Egypt. He went to Shishak king of Egypt. And Jeroboam stayed there until Solomon died.

41. Everything else Solomon did is written down. He showed much wisdom. It is written in the book of the history of Solomon.

42. Solomon ruled in Jerusalem over all Israel for 40 years.