International Children’s Bible

1 Corinthians 7:12-27 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. For all the others I say this (I am saying this, not the Lord): A brother in Christ might have a wife who is not a believer. If she will live with him, he must not divorce her.

13. And a woman might have a husband who is not a believer. If he will live with her, she must not divorce him.

14. The husband who is not a believer is made holy through his believing wife. And the wife who is not a believer is made holy through her believing husband. If this were not true, then your children would not be clean. But now your children are holy.

15. But if the person who is not a believer decides to leave, let him leave. When this happens, the brother or sister in Christ is free. God called us to a life of peace.

16. Wives, maybe you will save your husband; and husbands, maybe you will save your wife. You do not know now what will happen later.

17. But each one should continue to live the way God has given him to live—the way he was when God called him. This is a rule I make in all the churches.

18. If a man was already circumcised when he was called, he should not change his circumcision. If a man was without circumcision when he was called, he should not be circumcised.

19. It is not important if a man is circumcised or not circumcised. The important thing is obeying God’s commands.

20. Each one should stay the way he was when God called him.

21. If you were a slave when God called you, do not let that bother you. But if you can be free, then become free.

22. The person who was a slave when the Lord called him is free in the Lord. He belongs to the Lord. In the same way, the one who was free when he was called is now Christ’s slave.

23. You all were bought for a price. So do not become slaves of men.

24. Brothers, in your new life with God each one of you should continue the way you were when you were called.

25. Now I write about people who are not married. I have no command from the Lord about this, but I give my opinion. And I can be trusted, because the Lord has given me mercy.

26. This is a time of trouble. So I think that it is good for you to stay the way you are.

27. If you have a wife, then do not try to become free from her. If you are not married, then do not try to find a wife.