International Children’s Bible

1 Chronicles 9:3-9 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

3. People from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh lived in Jerusalem. This is a list of those people.

4. There was Uthai son of Ammihud. (Ammihud was Omri’s son. Omri was Imri’s son. Imri was Bani’s son. Bani was a descendant of Perez. Perez was Judah’s son.)

5. Of the Shilonite people there were Asaiah and his sons. Asaiah was the oldest son in his family.

6. Of the Zerahite people there were Jeuel and other relatives of Zerah. There were 690 of them in all.

7. From the tribe of Benjamin there was Sallu son of Meshullam. (Meshullam was Hodaviah’s son. Hodaviah was Hassenuah’s son.)

8. There was also Ibneiah son of Jeroham and Elah son of Uzzi. (Uzzi was Micri’s son.) And there was Meshullam son of Shephatiah. (Shephatiah was Reuel’s son, and Reuel was Ibnijah’s son.)

9. The family history of Benjamin lists 956 people living in Jerusalem. All these men were leaders of their families.