International Children’s Bible

1 Chronicles 6:59-67 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

59. Ashan, Juttah and Beth Shemesh. They received all these cities and the pastures around them.

60. They also received cities from the tribe of Benjamin. They received Gibeon, Geba, Alemeth, Anathoth and their pastures.The Kohath family groups received a total of 13 cities.

61. The rest of the Kohath family group was given 10 cities. These cities were from the family groups of the western half-tribe of Manasseh. The cities were chosen by throwing lots.

62. The Gershon family group received 13 cities. They were from the tribes of Issachar, Asher, Naphtali and the part of Manasseh living in Bashan.

63. The Merari family group received 12 cities from the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Zebulun. Those cities were chosen by throwing lots.

64. So the Israelites gave these cities and their pastures to the Levites.

65. The cities from the tribes of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin were chosen by throwing lots. They are the cities named above.

66. Some of the Kohath family groups received cities and pastures from the tribe of Ephraim.

67. They received Shechem in the mountains of Ephraim. It was one of the cities of safety. They also received the cities of Gezer,