International Children’s Bible

1 Chronicles 6:45-51 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

45. Malluch was Hashabiah’s son. Hashabiah was Amaziah’s son. Amaziah was Hilkiah’s son.

46. Hilkiah was Amzi’s son. Amzi was Bani’s son. Bani was Shemer’s son.

47. Shemer was Mahli’s son. Mahli was Mushi’s son. Mushi was Merari’s son. Merari was Levi’s son.

48. The other Levites served by doing their own special work in the Holy Tent. It is the house of God.

49. Aaron and his descendants offered the sacrifices on the altar of burnt offering. They also burned the incense on the altar of incense. They offered the sacrifices that removed the Israelites’ sins so they could belong to God. They did all the work in the Most Holy Place. They followed all the laws that Moses, God’s servant, had commanded.

50. These were Aaron’s sons: Eleazar was Aaron’s son. Phinehas was Eleazar’s son. Abishua was Phinehas’ son.

51. Bukki was Abishua’s son. Uzzi was Bukki’s son. Zerahiah was Uzzi’s son.