International Children’s Bible

1 Chronicles 26:10-19 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

10. These are the gatekeepers from the Merari family. Hosah had sons. Shimri was chosen to be in charge. He was not the oldest son, but his father chose him to be in charge.

11. Hilkiah was his second son. Tabaliah was his third son, and Zechariah was his fourth son. In all, Hosah had 13 sons and relatives.

12. These were the leaders of the groups of the gatekeepers. They had jobs for serving in the Temple of the Lord. Their relatives also had jobs in the Temple.

13. Each family was given a gate to guard. They were chosen by throwing lots. Young and old threw lots.

14. Meshelemiah was chosen by lot to guard the East Gate. Then lots were thrown for Meshelemiah’s son Zechariah. He was a wise counselor. He was chosen for the North Gate.

15. Obed-Edom was chosen for the South Gate. And Obed-Edom’s sons were chosen to guard the storehouse.

16. Shuppim and Hosah were chosen for the West Gate. They also were to guard the Shalleketh Gate on the upper road.Guards stood side by side with guards.

17. Six Levites stood guard every day at the East Gate. Four Levites stood guard every day at the North Gate. Four Levites stood guard every day at the South Gate. And two Levites at a time guarded the storehouse.

18. There were two guards at the western court. And there were four guards on the road to the court.

19. These were the groups of the gatekeepers. They were from the families of Korah and Merari.