Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Numbers 6:13-27 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

13. “After their time of dedication is ended, Nazirites must go to the entrance of the Meeting Tent

14. and give their offering to the Lord. Their offering must be: a one-year-old male lamb that has nothing wrong with it for a burnt offering; a one-year-old female lamb that has nothing wrong with it for a sin offering; one ram that has nothing wrong with it for a fellowship offering;

15. a basket of bread made without yeast—bread made with fine flour mixed with oil and wafers with oil spread on top; and the grain offerings and drink offerings that are a part of these gifts.

16. “The priest will give these things to the Lord, and then the priest will make the sin offering and the burnt offering.

17. He will give the basket of bread without yeast to the Lord. Then he will kill the ram as a fellowship offering to the Lord. He will give it to the Lord with the grain offering and the drink offering.

18. “The Nazirites must go to the entrance of the Meeting Tent. There they must shave off their hair that they grew as a dedication to the Lord. That hair will be put in the fire that is burning under the sacrifice of the fellowship offering.

19. “After the Nazirites have cut off their hair, the priest will give them a boiled shoulder from the ram and a large and a small cake from the basket. Both of these cakes are made without yeast.

20. Then the priest will lift these things up to show that they were presented before the Lord. These things are holy and belong to the priest. Also, the ram’s breast and thigh that were lifted up and presented belong to the priest. After that the Nazirites can drink wine.

21. “These are the rules for those who decide to make the Nazirite vow. They must give all these gifts to the Lord. But they might be able to give much more. If they promise to do more, they must keep their promise. But they must give at least all the things listed in these rules for the Nazirite vow.”

22. The Lord said to Moses,

23. “Tell Aaron and his sons that when they bless the Israelites, this is what they should say:

24. ‘May the Lord bless you and keep you.

25. May the Lord smile down on you and show you his kindness.

26. May the Lord answer your prayers and give you peace.’

27. In this way Aaron and his sons will use my name to give a blessing to the Israelites, and I will bless them.”