Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Numbers 26:8-24 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

8. Pallu’s son was Eliab.

9. Eliab had three sons—Nemuel, Dathan, and Abiram. Remember, Dathan and Abiram were the two leaders who turned against Moses and Aaron. They followed Korah when Korah turned against the Lord.

10. That was the time when the earth opened and swallowed Korah and all of his followers. And 250 men died! That was a warning to all the Israelites.

11. But the other people who were from the family of Korah did not die.

12. These are the family groups from the tribe of Simeon: Nemuel—the Nemuelite family group; Jamin—the Jaminite family group; Jakin—the Jakinite family group;

13. Zerah—the Zerahite family group; Shaul—the Shaulite family group.

14. The total number of men in these family groups from the tribe of Simeon was 22,200.

15. These are the family groups in the tribe of Gad: Zephon—the Zephonite family group; Haggi—the Haggite family group; Shuni—the Shunite family group;

16. Ozni—the Oznite family group; Eri—the Erite family group;

17. Arodi—the Arodite family group; Areli—the Arelite family group.

18. The total number of men in these family groups from the tribe of Gad was 40,500.

19-20. These are the family groups from the tribe of Judah: Shelah—the Shelanite family group; Perez—the Perezite family group; Zerah—the Zerahite family group. (Two of Judah’s sons, Er and Onan, died in Canaan.)

21. These are the family groups from Perez: Hezron—the Hezronite family group; Hamul—the Hamulite family group.

22. These were the family groups from the tribe of Judah. The total number of men was 76,500.

23. The family groups from the tribe of Issachar were Tola—the Tolaite family group; Puah—the Puite family group;

24. Jashub—the Jashubite family group; Shimron—the Shimronite family group.