Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Job 19:8-20 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

8. God has blocked my way to keep me from getting through. He has hidden my path in darkness.

9. He took away my honor. He took the crown from my head.

10. He hits me on every side until I am worn out. He takes away my hope. It is like a tree pulled up by the roots.

11. His anger burns against me. He treats me like an enemy.

12. He sends his army to attack me. They build attack towers around me. They camp around my tent.

13. “God has made my brothers hate me. Those who knew me have become strangers.

14. My relatives have left me. My friends have forgotten me.

15. My servant girls and visitors in my home look at me as if I am a stranger and a foreigner.

16. I call for my servant, but he does not answer. Even if I beg for help, he will not answer.

17. My wife hates the smell of my breath. My own brothers hate me.

18. Even little children make fun of me. When I get up, they say bad things about me.

19. All my close friends hate me. Even my loved ones have turned against me.

20. “I am so thin, my skin hangs loose on my bones. I have little life left in me.