Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Isaiah 7:19-25 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

19. They will settle in the deep valleys and in the caves, by the thornbushes and watering holes.

20. The Lord will use Assyria to punish Judah. Assyria will be hired and used like a razor to shave off Judah’s beard and to remove the hair from his head and body.

21. “At that time someone might keep only one young cow and two sheep alive.

22. But there will be enough milk for them to eat milk curds. In fact, everyone left in the country will eat milk curds and honey.

23. There are now fields that have 1000 grapevines, and each grapevine is worth 1000 pieces of silver. But those fields will be covered with weeds and thorns.

24. That land will be wild and used only as a hunting ground where people go with bows and arrows.

25. People once worked the soil and grew food on these hills, but at that time they will not go there, because the fields will be covered with weeds and thorns. It will be a place where cattle graze and sheep wander.”