Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Isaiah 38:2-9 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

2. Hezekiah turned toward the wall that faced the Temple and began praying to the Lord.

3. “Lord, remember that I have faithfully served you with all my heart. I have done what you say is good.” Then Hezekiah cried very hard.

4. Then Isaiah received this message from the Lord:

5. “Go to Hezekiah and tell him that the Lord, the God of your ancestor David, says, ‘I heard your prayer, and I saw your tears. I will add 15 years to your life.

6. I will save you and this city from the king of Assyria. I will protect this city.’”

21. Then Isaiah told Hezekiah, “Crush figs together and put them on your sore. Then you will get well.”

22. Hezekiah asked Isaiah, “What is the sign that proves I will get well and go to the Lord’S Temple?”

7. This is the sign from the Lord to show you that he will do what he says:

8. “Look, I am causing the shadow that is on the steps of Ahaz to move back ten steps. The sun’s shadow will go back up the ten steps that it has already been on.”

9. This is the letter from Hezekiah when he became well: