Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Isaiah 32:11-20 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

11. Women, you are calm now, but you should be afraid. You feel safe now, but you should be worried. Take off your nice clothes and put on sackcloth. Wrap it around your waist.

12. Beat your breasts in sorrow. Cry because your fields are empty. Your vineyards once gave grapes, but now they are empty.

13. Cry for the land of my people. Cry because only thorns and weeds will grow there. Cry for the city and for all the houses that were once filled with joy.

14. People will leave the capital city. The palace and towers will be left empty. People will not live in houses—they will live in caves. Wild donkeys and sheep will live in the city—animals will go there to eat grass.

15. This will continue until God gives us his Spirit from above. Then the desert will become rich farmland and the farmland will be like thick forests.

16. That is, what is now a desert will be filled with right decisions, and what is now a farmland will be filled with justice.

17. That justice will bring peace and safety forever.

18. My people will be safe in their homes and in their calm, peaceful fields.

19. But before this happens, the forest must fall and the city must be torn down.

20. Some of you live away from the cities. You plant seeds by every stream and let your cattle and donkeys roam free. You will be very blessed.