Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Isaiah 29:1-8 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

1. God says, “Look at Ariel, the city where David camped. Keep on having your festivals, year after year.

2. But I will punish Ariel. The city will be filled with sadness and crying, but it will always be my Ariel.

3. “I will put armies all around you, Ariel. I will raise war towers against you.

4. You will be pulled to the ground. Your voice will rise from the ground like the voice of a ghost. Your words come like a whisper from the dirt.”

5. There will be so many foreigners that they will be like dust. Cruel people will be like the chaff blowing in the wind. Then suddenly,

6. the Lord All-Powerful will punish you with earthquakes, thunder, and loud noises. There will be storms, strong winds, and a burning, destructive fire.

7. Many nations will fight against Ariel. It will be a nightmare. Armies will surround Ariel and punish her.

8. But it will also be like a dream to those armies. They will not get what they want. It will be like a hungry man dreaming about food. When the man wakes up, he is still hungry. It will be like a thirsty man dreaming about water. When the man wakes up, he is still thirsty. The same thing is true about all the nations fighting against Zion. Those nations will not get what they want.