Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Isaiah 1:3-9 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

3. A bull knows its master, and a donkey knows where its owner feeds it. But Israel does not know me. My people do not understand.”

4. Oh, what a sinful nation! Their guilt is like a heavy weight that they must carry. They are evil, destructive children. They left the Lord and insulted the Holy One of Israel. They turned away and treated him like a stranger.

5. What good will it do to keep punishing you? You will continue to rebel. Your whole head and heart are already sick and aching.

6. From the bottom of your feet to the top of your head, every part of your body has wounds, cuts, and open sores. You have not taken care of them. Your wounds have not been cleaned and bandaged.

7. Your land is in ruins, and your cities are in flames. Your enemies have taken your land, and foreigners are taking what it produces. It looks like some foreigners destroyed it.

8. The city of Jerusalem is now like an empty shed left in a vineyard. It is like an old straw hut abandoned in a field of cucumbers or like a city surrounded by enemies.

9. If the Lord All-Powerful had not allowed a few people to live, we would have been destroyed completely like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. And that almost happened!