Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Hebrews 11:27-40 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

27. Moses left Egypt because he had faith. He was not afraid of the king’s anger. He continued strong as if he could see the God no one can see.

28. Moses prepared the Passover and spread the blood on the doorways of the people of Israel, so that the angel of death would not kill their firstborn sons. Moses did this because he had faith.

29. And God’s people all walked through the Red Sea as if it were dry land. They were able to do this because they had faith. But when the Egyptians tried to follow them, they were drowned.

30. And the walls of Jericho fell because of the faith of God’s people. They marched around the walls for seven days, and then the walls fell.

31. And Rahab, the prostitute, welcomed the Israelite spies like friends. And because of her faith, she was not killed with the ones who refused to obey.

32. Do I need to give you more examples? I don’t have enough time to tell you about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets.

33. All of them had great faith. And with that faith they defeated kingdoms. They did what was right, and God helped them in the ways he promised. With their faith some people closed the mouths of lions.

34. And some were able to stop blazing fires. Others escaped from being killed with swords. Some who were weak were made strong. They became powerful in battle and defeated other armies.

35. There were women who lost loved ones but got them back when they were raised from death. Others were tortured but refused to accept their freedom. They did this so that they could be raised from death to a better life.

36. Some were laughed at and beaten. Others were tied up and put in prison.

37. They were killed with stones. They were cut in half. They were killed with swords. The only clothes some of them had were sheepskins or goatskins. They were poor, persecuted, and treated badly by others.

38. The world was not good enough for these great people. They had to wander in deserts and mountains, living in caves and holes in the ground.

39. God was pleased with all of them because of their faith. But not one of them received God’s great promise.

40. God planned something better for us. He wanted to make us perfect. Of course, he wanted those great people to be made perfect too, but not before we could all enjoy that blessing together.