Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Galatians 4:15-28 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

15. You were very happy then. Where is that joy now? I can say without a doubt that you would have done anything to help me. If it had been possible, you would have taken out your own eyes and given them to me.

16. Am I now your enemy because I tell you the truth?

17. Those people are working hard to persuade you, but this is not good for you. They want to persuade you to turn against us and work hard for them.

18. It is good for you to work hard, of course, if it is for something good. That’s something you should do whether I am there or not.

19. My little children, I am in pain again over you, like a mother giving birth. I will feel this pain until people can look at you and see Christ.

20. I wish I could be with you now. Then maybe I could change the way I am talking to you. Now I don’t know what to do about you.

21. Some of you people want to be under the law. Tell me, do you know what the law says?

22. The Scriptures say that Abraham had two sons. The mother of one son was a slave woman, and the mother of the other son was a free woman.

23. Abraham’s son from the slave woman was born in the normal human way. But the son from the free woman was born because of the promise God made to Abraham.

24. This true story makes a picture for us. The two women are like the two agreements between God and his people. One agreement is the law that God made on Mount Sinai. The people who are under this agreement are like slaves. The mother named Hagar is like that agreement.

25. So Hagar is like Mount Sinai in Arabia. She is a picture of the earthly Jewish city of Jerusalem. This city is a slave, and all its people are slaves to the law.

26. But the heavenly Jerusalem that is above is like the free woman, who is our mother.

27. The Scriptures say, “Be happy, woman—you who cannot have children. Be glad you never gave birth. Shout and cry with joy! You never felt those labor pains. The woman who is alone will have more children than the woman who has a husband.” Isaiah 54:1

28. My brothers and sisters, you are children who were born because of God’s promise, just as Isaac was.