Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

Deuteronomy 24:11-22 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

11. You must stand outside. Then the person who you gave the loan to will bring out the security to you.

12. If he is a poor man, then he might give the clothes that keep him warm. You must not keep that security overnight.

13. You must give his security back to him every evening. Then he will have clothes to sleep in. He will bless you, and the Lord your God will accept this as living right and doing good.

14. “You must not cheat a hired servant who is poor and needy. It does not matter if he is an Israelite or if he is a foreigner living in one of your cities.

15. Give him his pay every day before sunset, because he is poor and depends on the money. If you don’t pay him, he will complain against you to the Lord, and you will be guilty of sin.

16. “Parents must not be put to death for something their children did. And children must not be put to death for something their parents did. People should be put to death only for a bad thing that they themselves did.

17. “You must make sure that foreigners and orphans are treated fairly. And you must never take clothes from a widow as security.

18. Remember, you were poor slaves in Egypt. And the Lord your God took you from that place and set you free. That is why I tell you to do these things for the poor.

19. “You might be gathering your harvest in the field, and you might forget and leave some grain there. You must not go back to get it. It will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows. If you leave some grain for them, the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do.

20. When you beat your olive trees, you must not go back to check the branches. The olives you leave will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows.

21. When you gather the grapes from your vineyard, you must not go back to gather the grapes you left. They will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows.

22. Remember you were poor slaves in Egypt. That is why I tell you to do these things for the poor.