Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

2 Chronicles 4:7-18 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

7. He made ten lampstands of gold. He followed the plans made for these lampstands. He put the lampstands in the Temple. There were five lampstands on the right side and five lampstands on the left side.

8. He made ten tables and put them in the Temple. Five tables were on the right side and five tables on the left side in the Temple. And he used gold to make 100 basins.

9. He also made the priests’ courtyard, the large courtyard, and the doors that open to them. He used bronze to cover these doors.

10. Then he put the large bronze tank on the right side of the Temple on the southeast side.

11. Huram also made the pots, shovels, and basins. So he finished his work for King Solomon on God’s Temple:

12-16. 2 columns; 2 capitals shaped like bowls for the top of the columns; 2 nets to go around the capitals; 400 pomegranates for the two nets (two rows of pomegranates for each net to cover the two bowls for the capitals on top of the columns); 10 carts with a bowl on each cart; the large tank with 12 bulls under it; the pots, small shovels, small bowls, and all the dishes for the Lord’S Temple. All the things that Huram made for King Solomon were made of polished bronze.

17. King Solomon first poured these things in clay molds. The molds were made in the Jordan Valley between the towns of Succoth and Zeredah.

18. Solomon made so many of them that no one tried to weigh the bronze used.