Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

2 Chronicles 4:1-10 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

1. He made a bronze altar that was 20 cubits long, 20 cubits wide, and 10 cubits tall.

2. Then he made a large tank from melted bronze. It was round and it measured 10 cubits across from edge to edge. It was 5 cubits tall and about 30 cubits around.

3. There were images of bulls under the lip of the large bronze tank. They were in two rows that went 10 cubits around the tank. The bulls were molded in place when the tank was shaped.

4. The large bronze tank was on top of twelve large statues of bulls. Three bulls looked toward the north. Three bulls looked toward the west. Three bulls looked toward the south. Three bulls looked toward the east. The large bronze tank was on top of these bulls. All the bulls stood with their rear ends to each other and to the center.

5. The large bronze tank was 3 inches thick. The edge of the large tank was like the edge of a cup. The edge looked like a lily blossom. The tank could hold about 17,400 gallons.

6. He made ten basins. He put five basins on the right side of the large bronze tank and five basins on the left side. These ten basins were to be used to wash the things offered for the burnt offerings. But the large bronze tank was to be used by the priests for washing before they offered sacrifices.

7. He made ten lampstands of gold. He followed the plans made for these lampstands. He put the lampstands in the Temple. There were five lampstands on the right side and five lampstands on the left side.

8. He made ten tables and put them in the Temple. Five tables were on the right side and five tables on the left side in the Temple. And he used gold to make 100 basins.

9. He also made the priests’ courtyard, the large courtyard, and the doors that open to them. He used bronze to cover these doors.

10. Then he put the large bronze tank on the right side of the Temple on the southeast side.