Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

1 Samuel 4:1-5 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

1. Then Samuel would announce the Lord’S message to all the people of Israel. When Eli was very old, his sons lived more and more in a way the Lord considered evil. At that time the Israelites went out to fight against the Philistines. The Israelites made their camp at Ebenezer. The Philistines made their camp at Aphek.

2. The Philistines lined up their soldiers in front of the Israelites and began the attack. The Philistines defeated the Israelites. They killed about 4000 soldiers from Israel’s army.

3. The rest of the Israelite soldiers went back to their camp. The elders of Israel asked, “Why did the Lord let the Philistines defeat us? Let’s bring the Lord’S Box of the Agreement from Shiloh. God will go with us into battle and save us from our enemies.”

4. So the people sent men to Shiloh. The men brought back the Lord All-Powerful’s Box of the Agreement. On top of the Box are the Cherub angels. They are like a throne where the Lord sits. Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, came with the Box.

5. When the Lord’S Box of the Agreement came into the camp, all the Israelites gave a great shout loud enough to make the ground shake.