Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version

1 Samuel 26:3-12 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

3. Saul set up his camp by the road at Hakilah Hill, across from Jeshimon. David was out in the desert and saw that Saul had come out into the desert after him.

4. So David sent out spies to know for certain that Saul had come after him again.

5. Then David went to where Saul had set up his camp. David saw where Saul and Abner were sleeping. (Abner son of Ner was the commander of Saul’s army.) Saul was sleeping in the center of a circle of men that surrounded him.

6. David talked to Ahimelech the Hittite and Abishai son of Zeruiah. (Abishai was Joab’s brother.) He asked them, “Who would like to go down into the camp with me after Saul?” Abishai answered, “I’ll go with you.”

7. When night came, David and Abishai went into Saul’s camp. Saul was asleep in the middle of the circle of men. His spear was stuck in the ground near his head. Abner and the other soldiers were asleep around Saul.

8. Abishai said to David, “Today God has given your enemy to you. Let me pin Saul to the ground with his spear. I’ll only do it once!”

9. But David said to Abishai, “Don’t kill Saul! Anyone who hurts the Lord’S chosen king must be punished.

10. As surely as the Lord lives, the Lord himself will punish Saul. Maybe Saul will die naturally or maybe he will be killed in battle.

11. But I pray that the Lord never lets me hurt the Lord’S chosen king. Now pick up the spear and water jug by Saul’s head and let’s go.”

12. So David took the spear and water jug that were near Saul’s head, and then David and Abishai left Saul’s camp. No one knew what had happened. No one saw it. No one even woke up. Saul and all of his soldiers slept because the Lord had put them into a deep sleep.