Holman Christian Standard Bible

Proverbs 12:6-20 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

6. The words of the wicked are a deadly ambush, but the speech of the upright rescues them.

7. The wicked are overthrown and perish, but the house of the righteous will stand.

8. A man is praised for his insight,but a twisted mind is despised.

9. Better to be dishonored, yet have a servant,than to act important but have no food.

10. A righteous man cares about his animal’s health, but even the merciful acts of the wicked are cruel.

11. The one who works his land will have plenty of food, but whoever chases fantasies lacks sense.

12. The wicked desire what evil men have, but the root of the righteous produces fruit.

13. An evil man is trapped by his rebellious speech, but a righteous one escapes from trouble.

14. A man will be satisfied with goodby the words of his mouth, and the work of a man’s hands will reward him.

15. A fool’s way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to counsel is wise.

16. A fool’s displeasure is known at once,but whoever ignores an insult is sensible.

17. Whoever speaks the truth declares what is right,but a false witness, deceit.

18. There is one who speaks rashly,like a piercing sword; but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

19. Truthful lips endure forever,but a lying tongue, only a moment.

20. Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil,but those who promote peace have joy.